Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 2, 2014

Pregatiri de 1 martie: etichete

Una dintre cele mai migaloase etape in pregatirile mele pentru 1 martie sunt etichetele. Imi place sa le pigulesc si sa ma joc cu ele pana cand ajung la o forma draga. Anul acesta am vrut sa transmit si mai mult din bucuria pe care mi-o aduce venirea primaverii si am creat o stampila cu textul 1 Martie Frumos. Cum vi se pare?

 Apropo ai vazut iile de hartie? La inceput le purtau doar ghioceii, anul acesta nu am putut rezista si au primit si florile brosa hainute de sarbatoare cusute la masina.

Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 2, 2014

Bing Crosby, Louis Armstrong, Frank Sinatra, High Society

09:55 By

Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 2, 2014

Martisoare cu flori naturale presate

La inceputul lunii m-am mutat in casa noua, lucru care a implicat si o curatenie generala, inclusiv in biblioteca. Am descoperit culegeri de matematica si chimie pe care uitasem ca le aveam, ca sa nu mai zic si de ce. Pana cand, din greseala, am scapat una dintre carti din care au cazut cateva flori presate. Mi-au stat in biblioteca cam 2 ani. Le-am adunat din gradina bunicii, dornica sa le pastrez frumusetea si sa o redescopar peste ani, intocmai ca ierbarul pe care il tineam in copilarie.

 Anul acesta pleaca sa infrumuseteze inceputul de primavara al femeilor importante din viata voastra. 

Le comanzi la Stocul este limitat. Promit sa ma pregatesc mai bine la anul :)

Thứ Bảy, 8 tháng 2, 2014

Don't be yourself

17:20 By

"Don't be yourself. Be someone a little nicer." -Mignon McLaughlin, journalist and author (1913-1983) 
Lately I've been struggling with the snappy part of my self. The part that is irritated by Every. Little. Thing.  God's wisdom and sense of humor has decided I shall live with three people who are wonderful and gifted and I love them just the way they are...but who have less need than I for order, organization, cleanliness, solitude, and peace. 
Maybe I was born this way, needing these things, and didn't get them enough in my childhood because of the eleven other kids and their friends with whom I shared a house. I grew up in a stable loving home that was also filled with mess, disorganization, clutter, noise and chaos. My response was to feel horribly anxious and retreat whenever possible. I came by it honestly - my dad actually built a separate room for himself as his means of escape, and I can totally understand that. I still grit my teeth through every kids' birthday party and can honestly agree sometimes with whoever said "Hell is other people." 
But my irritability can be a problem. I'm not proud of my tendency to yell and criticize. Last year I practiced "complaint free living" by wearing a bracelet to help me increase awareness and refrain from complaining, criticizing, or gossiping. It took me 8+ months to go 21 consecutive days without moving the bracelet. I'm realizing that, sadly, the good habits I tried to "re-wire" into my brain have not lasted. I think maybe I'm a little better than before, but I need to get the bracelet back on.
Anyway, I saw this quote (don't be yourself) and it reminds me to keep practicing my patience and tolerance skills. 
I also like this response to all the "positive psychology" messages out there. You know, all those messages that tell us how great we are all the time. I like that this message frees us to admit we're not so great, but that we can do better.

Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 2, 2014

Future of StoryTelling: Paul Zak or How a Story Changes Your Brain Chemistry

10:16 By