Chủ Nhật, 11 tháng 9, 2011

This is Our Song - September 11, 2011

13:22 By

We sang this in church today, the tenth anniversary of September 11. I want to share it because to me, it expresses an alternative response to "God Bless America"-style patriotism. It's by Lloyd Stone, written in 1914 and published in the period between the two world wars. The tune is "Finlandia," perhaps known best as the music to the hymn "Be Still, My Soul."

This is my song, O God of all the nations,
A song of peace for lands afar and mine.
This is my home, the country where my heart is;
here are my hopes, my dreams, my holy shrine;
But other hearts in other lands are beating
WIth hopes and dreams as true and high as mine.

My country's skies are bluer than the ocean,
And sunlight beams on clover leaf and pine;
But other lands have sunlight too, and clover,
And skies are everywhere as blue as mine.
O hear my song, O God of all the nations,
A song of peace for their land and for mine.

 I love what this song goes beyond "God Bless America" to acknowledge the hopes and dreams of those in all nations. Even Afghanistan and Iraq. This morning in church I was reminded of the aftermath of September 11 on the world in the past ten years. Of course I am deeply saddened at the losses we sustained and I can't even pretend to imagine the pain borne by those who have suffered personally from that.  But our unnecessary "war on terrorism" has compounded that suffering, caused even greater death and destruction (especially in Iraq and Afghanistan), billions of dollars spent on war instead of a thousand better uses, the revelation of the use of torture and other abuses by our military, and the loss of much respect and credibility in the world's eyes. I found myself wishing I had been more outspoken in the last 10 years about my opposition to more war as our response to terrorism. I don't know exactly what the solution is, but I'm pretty sure this strategy is not it. So I pray for peace, and for justice to be done, and for the courage to speak and act, however I can, for healing and redemption.

Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 9, 2011

CirculMagic Shop is going to Voltron Fest

CirculMagic Shop is happy to announce we'll be sharing the dancefloor at Voltron Festival, Turkey.


AKÉS (Hellchedelic Records) - Portugal

ANTAGON (2to6 Records - Damaru Records) - Germany

ATOMENTAL (Shakra Records - Karmatic Records) - Switzerland

AUDIODIDAKT (Alice D Pro - Wild Seven Recordz) - Israel

BOMBAX (Free Radical Records) - Germany

CALYPTRATUS (Bionic Instinct Records) - Germany

COSMIC IRON (Sonic Tantra Records) - Israel

DARK WHISPER (Alice D Pro - Shaman Films Media) - Italy

DEMONIAC INSOMNIAC (Active Meditation Music) - Macedonia

FAREBI JALEBI (Parvati Records) - Australia

FRANTIC NOISE (Dark Prisma Records) - Argentina

GIDRA (Acidance Records) - India

JAHBO (Parvati Records) - Denmark

KARMATIC SKULLS (Karmatic Records) - Switzerland - Portugal

KASATKA (Bionic Instinct Records) - Germany

KASHYYYK (Kamino Records) - Mexico

LOOSE CONNECTION (Catawampus Records) - Wales (UK)

MAGMA OHM (Shaman Films Media - Tremors Underground) - Brazil

MEGALOPSY (Dark Prisma Records) - Argentina

PARANDROID (Manic Psycho Pro - Dharmaharmony Records) - Germany

RAWAR (2to6 Records) - Portugal

RED (Mighty Quinn Records) - Russia

SETH (Bhooteshwara Records - Active Meditation Music) - Macedonia

TECHNICAL HITCH (Insomnia Records) - Israel

-Z- (alpha & antagon) (Moondrop Crew) - Germany

All of these artists are %100 confirmed and sadly the Main Stage Live Act line up is closed.. Thanks for understanding about not offering us to be added the line up..

ABBYSS (Full Om) - Turkey

ABSOLUT (2to6 Records) - Sweden

ALPHA (Interzone Pa) - Germany

ANKUR (Seres Music - Acidance Records) - Germany

ANT (Mind Expansion Music) - Germany

BLUB (Karmatic Records) - Austria

CANNIBAL CROW (Psycrowdelica) - Germany

COOPER (Cosmic Plasma) - Romania

CORIOUS (Lycantrop Records - Urban Antidote Records) - Germany

DEPTHCHARGE (Industraum Records) - Turkey

EKO (Mind Expansion Music) - Italy

FILTRO (Dark Prisma Records) - Argentina

GIUSEPPE (Parvati Records) - Italy

HYPERWATT (Noise Poison Records) - Switzerland - Austria

IGNIS (Damaru Records) - Germany

IKEN (2to6 Records) - Austria

LILL’ LI (Dharmaharmony Records) - Denmark

LLOYD POZITIVIST (Damaru Records) - Wales (UK)

MILOWATT (Noise Poison Records) - Austria

MADEMOISELLE CHAOZ (Pixan Recordings) - Germany

MITRA (Damaru Records) - Germany

NAIMA (Acidance Records) - Austria

PHILOSO (Free Radical Records) - Austria

SPACE FREAK (Freak Out Pro) - Turkey

TILAKA (Karmatic Records) - Switzerland

UNTERWEGS (Industraum Records) - Turkey

All of these artists are %100 confirmed and sadly the Main Stage Dj Act line up is closed.. Thanks for understanding about not offering us to be added the line up..
Chill Alternative Stage Live Act and Dj Set line ups are waiting the offers and presentations of international artists and djs. Please feel free to let us know about your music or sets for the Alternative Stage by sending your infos to:

with the subject headline: "Voltron Fest Alternative Stage".

Voltron Fest 2012 Alternative Stage's line up was started to be designed and thought by Baran Elitez (Depthcharge - Industraum/Fall From Cloud - Turkey) .. Please feel free to contact him in case you are about Alternative Stage of his thoughts..
Deco FARBENSPIEL (Industraum Deco) - Turkey

+ MORE !!! ..

The Decoration Design Idea of Voltron Festival is waiting to hear nice, new intelligent ideas from international deco teams and/or individual deco artists to be able to create real nice psychedelic village!.. Please feel free to let us get infos about your artistic ideas, especially "deconstructively articulated organism designs" of yours if you have or are able to create, mapping and other visual designs for the whole or fragmented part of the festival, by sending your infos to:

with the subject headline: "Voltron Fest Spatial Design".

Location Tba near Antalya..
Entry fee You will be able to get your earlybird tickets of Voltron Festival according to the schedule below:

Jan 2012 -- 40 € -- limited to 250
Feb 2012 -- 45 € -- limited to 250
Mar 2012 -- 50 € -- limited to 250
Apr -- 55 €
Ma -- 60 €
Jun -- 65 €
Jul -- 70 €
Aug -- 75 €

23 Aug 2012, at the festival door:

80 €

How to buy presale tickets will be announced in December 2011..
Infos 23-24-25-26-27 AUGUST 2012 VOLTRON FESTIVAL in TURKEY

Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 9, 2011

Tutorial 2 - cutie de lemn cu cercuri quilling pentru bijuterii, agrafe, clame


De ceva timp ma tot gandesc cum sa reconditionez o cutie de lemn, simpla, in ceva dragut si util. Dupa mai multe idei prea complicate, m-am oprit la una simpla. Am vopsit cu uleiuri cutia in doua nuante de albastru. Una mai deschisa in interior si jumatate din exterior si un albastru inchis pentru baza exterioara a cutiei. Apoi pentru ca recent am descoperit puterea cerculetelor de hartie m-am apucat de urmatorul proiect:

Nu ai nevoie de multe lucruri.
-o cutie simpla de lemn
- un lipici de hartie
- fasii lungi de hartie, oricat de inguste, oricat de colorate. The choice is yours!
- o unealta de rulat pentru quilling. Dar le poti rula si freestyle.
- un lipici pe baza de rasina
- lac de hartie si o pensula.
Am uitat sa mentionez ca vei avea nevoie si de rabdare si un pic de dexteritate. Cerculetele se pot face dintr-una sau mai multe fasii de hartie. In orice combinatie de culori. Eu am ales doua nuante de albastru pe care am incercat sa le combin cat mai variat...Cercurile se lipesc intre ele sau direct pe cutie. Si apoi se dau cu lac.

 ...Dupa ceva timp:

Cutie de lemn pentru bijuterii, clame, creioane, agrafe de birou sau pentru posts, carti de vizita, rujuri, brichete cu cercuri din hartie in stil quilling.
Pret: 20 ron

Brosa Quilling Pe Suport Metalic - Nuante de albastru

Brosa quilling pe suport metalic- Nuante de albastru - sau cum o pata de culoare iti schimba ziua.
Pret: 25 ron

Quilling Brooch on metal handle with hues of blue
Price: 25 ron 

Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 9, 2011

August 2011 MauldenNews

18:45 By

Hello all,

I hope you're all well. Here's what we've been up to...

Alle (the girl formerly known as Alex) turned seven! She and her friends had a great time at the Kangaroo Zoo - a big room full of inflatable slides, bounce houses and glow-in-the-dark mini golf.

We also celebrated Sam's 5-year anniversary with us. We went hiking in the mountains. Even though Sam has a lot of energy, he still needs a ride now and then.

Other hiking snapshots: Albion Basin, at the top of Little Cottonwood Canyon. The lower picture shows some glaciers in the distance.

 "Back to school" day was August 22 - Alle is in first grade, and Sam is in preschool 3 days a week. First day pictures:

I saw Sam's teacher the evening after his first day, at the school's welcome picnic. "First he tried to take over the class. Then we sat down and explained the rules. He didn't like them. But then he got into cutting and pasting and he did great. He knew the names of all the sea creatures, even the manatee! Does he know how to read?"

As for me, August meant more marathon training - I completed my longest two runs EVER at 20 and 22 miles. (!) After each long run I've been taking ice baths (helps recovery, decreases inflammation and prevents soreness). I'm not sure which is harder, running for 4 hours or sitting in an ice-cold tub of water for 20 minutes, but I admit both activities qualify me as officially NUTS. Alex watched me entering the ice bath one day and got a great laugh at my screams and gasps. Then she wanted an ice bath too, but sticking her feet in was enough. Overall, I'm really, really happy with my training this summer. I am so lucky to be able to do it - I enjoy the scenery, new friends, time outdoors, time to myself to think and reflect, and tougher legs. :-) HOO-YAH! I highly recommend the Galloway program. Looking forward to running the Top of Utah marathon with Tim, Daniel, and Tammy on September 17.

Bryan took a trip to Kansas City to visit family and check out a job opportunity. We haven't made a final decision yet, but we'll let you know...stay tuned.

And finally - my book report for the month:

Half the Sky by Nicholas Kristoff and Sheryl WuDunn - haven't finished it yet - but definitely a gripping read. Written by a husband and wife Pulitzer prize-winning journalist team, it draws a detailed portrait of the issues women and girls face in much of the world - kidnappings, forced marriages of children, sex trafficking and slavery, maternal mortality, infanticide of girls, denial of education, honor killings, etc. It's very hard to read at points, but also enlightening and hopeful in some accounts of progress being made. One reviewer states that it "should be required reading for every global citizen" and I agree.

Writing Down Your Soul by Janet Conner - not surprising that I enjoyed this because I already like to keep journals. But there were some new ideas and writing techniques I appreciated, as well as some stuff that was a little too weird for me.

Collapse by Jared Diamond - explores the question, "Why do societies choose to collapse?" Fascinating accounts of ancient and more recent societal collapses and the factors that lead up to them. Pretty eye-opening! If you're not already concerned about environmental issues, you probably will be if you read this.

And that's our news 'o' the month! Hope you are well and as always, let me know what you've been up to.

Brosa Quilling Pe Suport Metalic - Red Circles 2

Brosa quilling pe suport metalic- Red circles - sau cum o pata de culoare iti schimba ziua. Pret: 12 ron

Brosa quilling pe suport metalic- Red circles - sau cum o pata de culoare iti schimba ziua.
Pret: 25 ron

Quilling Brooch on metal handle with red paper circles
Price: 25 ron 

Puterea terapeutica a culorii rosu este datorata asocierii sale cu prima chakra, lotusul cu patru petale, Muladhara. Aici, Rosul reprezinta forta generata de increderea in sine, dragostea fizica, vointa de a supravietui si stabilitatea in plan fizic.Chakra este localizata la baza sirii spinarii si este forta ce ne conecteaza la energiile planetei si ale universului. Forta acestui punct energetic din corp este simbolizata, in hinduism, de elefant si zeitatile Brahma si Dakini.

Nu sunt multi oameni care poarta rosu cu incredere. Nici multi nu sunt cei care poarta rosu excesiv. Fiecare atitudine arata un dezechilibru, al primei chakre si al nivelului de incredere in sine. Fie ca esti convins de existenta centrilor de putere din corp, sau ca preferi o explicatie bazata pe argumente stiintifice, e clar ca omul este in acelasi timp fascinat si speriat de puterea pe care o inspira rosul. O arata simplul fapt ca nu sunt foarte multe persoane care au rosu puternic in garderoba, sau daca il au nu il poarta. Rosul arata intotdeauna stabilitate, putere, siguranta, convingere in fortele proprii si viata.

In India, femeile care se casatoresc poarta de obicei un sari rosu sau rosu cu alb. Rosul reprezinta aici fertilitate, inceputul unei vieti noi si prosperitate si puternica legatura dintre femeie si pamant.

Accesoriile rosii sunt un inceput foarte bun in a observa cum oamenii reactioneaza la culori, fara sa realizeze macar. Dar sa gasesti un accesoriu rosu care sa ti se potriveasca din prima, uneori este destul de dificil. Intotdeauna rosul te va scoate in evidenta, de aceea e mereu indicat sa alegi o nuanta care se impaca perfect cu stilul tau de a te imbraca, cu personalitatea si aspectul tau fizic.