Chủ Nhật, 8 tháng 2, 2015
Quilling: Cercei Ciupercute
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accesorii handmade,
Andrei art,
bijuterii handmade,
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Cercei handmade ciupercute Circul Magic si rochie neagra pictata manual Andrei Art |
Acum un an (sau poate doi?), intr-o zi de iarna, impreuna cu Ra Ka si Andrei Art am hotarat sa facem un shooting de produs. Pozele abia acum au ajuns in lumea "live" a internetului. A fost o intalnire a geniilor creative (:)). Andrei Art a adus rochii si tricouri pictate manual, Ra Ka a adus gentute si esarfe crosetate manual, iar eu am venit cu accesoriile din hartie. Chimia dintre noi a lucrat perfect.
In aceste fotografii:cercei ciupercuta quilling Circul Magic, pret 10 lei
rochie neagra pictata manual de Andrei Art
bluza alba cu maneca lunga pictata manual de Andrei Art
One year (or maybe two ?) ago, I joined forces with talented Ra Ka and Andrei Art for a product shooting, that just now has made it to the online world. Andrei Art brought these awesome hand painted dresses and T-shirts, Ra Ka brought her hand crochet scarves and bags. And I brought by accessories. It was a pair made in heaven.
In these pics:
quilled mushroom earrings by Circul Magic
black dress painted by Andrei Art
white blouse painted by Andrei Art
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Cercei handmade ciupercute Circul Magic si rochie neagra pictata manual Andrei Art |
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Cercei handmade ciupercute Circul Magic si bluza alba pictata manual Andrei Art |
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