Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 9, 2007

anticlimactic first day

So, today was Alex's first day of preschool. I'd been trying to prepare her for the past couple days, telling her how much fun it would be, especially since her friend Aimee and cousin Ava would be there too. We loaded her little purple backpack with a set of extra clothes just in case of accidents, since she is still perfecting her potty training skills. She looked really cute in her pink blouse and matching pink barrettes. As we left the house she waved good-bye to Sam and the babysitter, saying, "Sam doesn't go to preschool." She seemed confident enough.

And then, in the car on the way there, she started crying and saying her stomach hurt. I took her inside and she seemed OK for a few minutes, even playing and smiling at a cute boy (already a natural born flirt!). But I noticed she stopped playing and started grabbing her belly, and soon she said again that her tummy hurt. Was this just nerves? She told me she wanted to go home and, despite my uncertainty as to what was really going on, I decided I'd better be safe than sorry. So we left - and very shortly afterward, she did throw up, thankfully not in the car. All told, I think her first day of preschool lasted about 10 minutes. Poor Alex. I was so disappointed! But VERY glad I didn't leave her at the preschool!

Sometimes things just don't turn out the way you planned.

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