Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 7, 2006


22:38 By

My job description in 4 letters.

Non-consultant hospital doctor.. alllriiiighhhttt..

Just watched the 2nd semifinal.. can't believe we only have two more games of this World Cup to go. I actually have to wait until 2010 for the next one?!

Today was my third day of work. The first two days were impossibly hectic, starting at 7 and ending at around 9 in the evening. Very exhausting, very confusing and certainly very terrifying. The senior doctors don't appear to be sensitive to the fact that the interns change in the beginning of July of each year (or they just blatantly ignore it) and keep on working and ordering things as if we've been there for years. Its hard enough getting lots of things done at once, its even more difficult when you have no idea how to - for example - take out a central line using standard aseptic protocol. "Mohamed, will you go on and do that for Ms. Murphy then? Alright, moving along." And it doesn't stop there, it keeps going until you have a list full of things you've never done before and just don't know how to do.

"But Sir, umm, how am I supposed to fill out a form, print out a sticker, get the form signed by a consultant radiologist, order the scan on the computer, go down and speak to the radiographers to get it done asap? I'll figure it out? Okay. One more question though, where exactly IS the X-Ray ward?"

I didn't eat lunch on the first day. I stayed alive on a bowl of cereal consumed at around 6.30am and a bottle of water at around 2pm. Within three days I've streamlined my work and become much more efficient. I got home at 5 today (light workload also being a factor), but I'm starting to enjoy it at least now that I know what the hell is going on.

At least I'm earning my paycheck. Actually, at least I'm getting a paycheck. Getting paid will definitely feel nice at the end of this month.

Alright, time to go sleep. Have work tommorow, more patients to admit and work up, more scans to chase and more bloods to draw. Take care everyone.

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