Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 6, 2014
Colier Quilling: Picaturi de Curcubeu (Discuri de hartie pe lant)
Dupa atat de multa ploaie, un curcubeu vine la fix. In zilele cand soarele nu apare, stand departe, deasupra norilor grei de ploaie, picaturile de curcubeu care-ti stau pe piept iti vor surade.
Colier simplu pe lant cu discuri de hartie colorate, realizate in stil quilling
25 ron
Coliere: Culorile verii (Howlit rosu si sidef pe lant) - vandut
Kiên Sim 3G
accesorii handmade,
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Circul Magic Colier: Culorile Verii |
Fresh out of the creativity oven! Un nou colier statement Circul Magic, inspirat de verile toride, de campurile punctate cu rosul intens al macilor si plaja cu bucatele frante de scoici.
Colier statement cu margele subtiri de sidef si lacrimi de howlit rosu pe lant
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Circul Magic Colier: Culorile Verii |
Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 6, 2014
MauldenNews May 2014
Well, this was the big news for May: my broken clavicle.
May 28 - I was enjoying a beautiful bike ride down Little Cottonwood Canyon (about 30 mph), went into a turn too quickly, hit the gravel and crashed. :-( A very nice guy (Onno Wieringa, general manager of Alta) saw me fall and stopped to help. He called Bryan for me but there was no answer (it was 6:30 a.m.). My vision went weird for about a minute - kind of lacy with "stars" obscuring my visual field. Onno graciously drove me and my bike home and Bryan took the kids to school and me to the ER. Apparently I asked Bryan the same questions a few times over the next hour or so, so I had a concussion. My bike helmet had cracked in a couple places where it hit the gravel so I was definitely glad for the brain bucket! I also experienced my first migraine aura - the classic "fortification spectra" - but lucky me, no headache! Whew. I had some facial abrasions, road rash and a sore mouth and chin, but these healed quickly. Bryan has been an awesome caretaker, except when he ate the last of the ice cream I bought... Well, nobody's perfect.
The kids finished 1st and 3rd grades on June 5 - woo-hooooooo! We are all enjoying the lazy schedule. Next week Alle has Suzuki violin camp, and we have a couple other things scheduled including Korean Culture Camp, but it's nice to have a good number of free days. Alle has been catching bugs, butterflies and insects and Sam has been learning to play Pickle Ball with Papa. I've been using my recovery time to read more of Game of Thrones - I like it but it is super lonnnnngggg.
The clavicle required surgery, which I was apprehensive about but it went well. The biggest disappointment was that we had to miss our family vacation in Tennessee. :-( We found that Frontier airlines will let us rebook the tickets without fees if we use them within a year and give them a doctor's letter. So that's good. Getting shirts on and off is a challenge, and I'm not able to cook the way I like to, but friends and family have been VERY helpful - we've had people bring us dinner, send yummy packages, and offer rides, etc. I'm feeling the love, and grateful.
And now for the better news - check out our new Mazda 5! Now we have enough room to haul kids and their friends. Hoping for lots of happy miles in this thing.
Hope all is well with everyone - send me your news!
May 28 - I was enjoying a beautiful bike ride down Little Cottonwood Canyon (about 30 mph), went into a turn too quickly, hit the gravel and crashed. :-( A very nice guy (Onno Wieringa, general manager of Alta) saw me fall and stopped to help. He called Bryan for me but there was no answer (it was 6:30 a.m.). My vision went weird for about a minute - kind of lacy with "stars" obscuring my visual field. Onno graciously drove me and my bike home and Bryan took the kids to school and me to the ER. Apparently I asked Bryan the same questions a few times over the next hour or so, so I had a concussion. My bike helmet had cracked in a couple places where it hit the gravel so I was definitely glad for the brain bucket! I also experienced my first migraine aura - the classic "fortification spectra" - but lucky me, no headache! Whew. I had some facial abrasions, road rash and a sore mouth and chin, but these healed quickly. Bryan has been an awesome caretaker, except when he ate the last of the ice cream I bought... Well, nobody's perfect.
The kids finished 1st and 3rd grades on June 5 - woo-hooooooo! We are all enjoying the lazy schedule. Next week Alle has Suzuki violin camp, and we have a couple other things scheduled including Korean Culture Camp, but it's nice to have a good number of free days. Alle has been catching bugs, butterflies and insects and Sam has been learning to play Pickle Ball with Papa. I've been using my recovery time to read more of Game of Thrones - I like it but it is super lonnnnngggg.
The clavicle required surgery, which I was apprehensive about but it went well. The biggest disappointment was that we had to miss our family vacation in Tennessee. :-( We found that Frontier airlines will let us rebook the tickets without fees if we use them within a year and give them a doctor's letter. So that's good. Getting shirts on and off is a challenge, and I'm not able to cook the way I like to, but friends and family have been VERY helpful - we've had people bring us dinner, send yummy packages, and offer rides, etc. I'm feeling the love, and grateful.
And now for the better news - check out our new Mazda 5! Now we have enough room to haul kids and their friends. Hoping for lots of happy miles in this thing.
Hope all is well with everyone - send me your news!