Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 5, 2013
Circul Magic martisoare quilling 2012
Kiên Sim 3G
1 martie,
martisoare quilling,
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Bine ai venit.
Te invit sa te bucuri de minunatele martisoare care au iesit pana acum din atelierul Circul Magic si au bucurat ziua a nenumarate femei. Sunt martisoare quilling cu magnet, suport, sau ac de brosa, flori si fluturi colorati
Oferta martisoare din hartie 2012
Martisor quilling lalea pe suport
Pret: 5 ron
(disponibile 5 - la comanda se pot face mai multe)
mai multe imagini aici
Martisor inima realizat in tehnica quilling
Pret: 9 ron
(1 disponibil - la comanda se pot face mai multe)
mai multe imagini aici
Martisor flori realizate in tehnica quilling
Pret: 6 ron
(disponibile 10 - la comanda se pot face mai multe)
mai multe imagini aici
Martisor flori realizate in tehnica quilling
Pret: 6 ron
(disponibile 10 - la comanda se pot face mai multe)
mai multe imagini aici
Martisor flori realizate in tehnica quilling
Pret: 6 ron
(disponibile 10 - la comanda se pot face mai multe)
mai multe imagini aici
Martisor flori realizate in tehnica quilling
Pret: 6 ron
(disponibile 10 - la comanda se pot face mai multe)
mai multe imagini aici
Martisor inima realizat in tehnica quilling
Pret: 9 ron
(1 disponibil - la comanda se pot face mai multe)
mai multe imagini aici
Martisoare Quilling- Zambilutele colorate
martisoare din hartie realizate in stil quilling
Pret: 3.5 ron pe martisor (pretul include martisorul, snur, suport de hartie pentru urari si punga cadou)
(daca sunt preferinte de culori, va rog specificati la plasarea comenzii)
mai multe imagini aici
Martisoare Quilling Flori Brosa
Pret: 4 lei pe martisor
(pretul include un martisor brosa, snur, suport de hartie si punguta de cadou)
Daca sunt preferinte de culori, specificati va rog cand plasati comanda
mai multe imagini aici
Martisoare flori (trandafiri) din hartie, disponibile in trei culori.
Pret: 3 ron / martisor (o floare)
mai multe imagini aici
Martisor quilling fluture ( modelul din partea stanga a fotografiilor)
Pret: 4 ron /martisor
mai multe imagini aici
Pret - 4 ron / martisor (snur, suport hartie, punga cadou)
mai multe imagini aici
Oferta martisoare quilling 2013:
Martisoare floare quilling alb cu rosu Dimensiuni carton - 5 cm h x 4 cm l Dimensiuni floare - 4 cm pe diagonala Pret: 3.5 ron Pretul include punguta cadou Comanda martisoare handmade cu ghiocei la sau pe Breslo la Mai multe poze si detalii aici |
Lalele colorate Martisoare quilling cu lalele Dimensiuni carton: 5 cm h x 4 cm l (dimensiunile pot varia usor) Pret: 4 ron Culori: albastru inchis, albastru deschis, roz, portocaliu, rosu, galben Pretul include cutia de ambalaj Comanda martisoare handmade cu ghiocei la sau pe Breslo la Mai multe poze si detalii aici |
Ghiocei care nu se ofilesc niciodata Martisor quilling din hartie pe suport de carton Dimensiuni: 10 cm h x 4.5 cm l Pret: 4 ron comanda pe breslo la sau la Mai multe poze si detalii aici |
Martisor flori de primavara (quilling, din hartie, pe suport de carton) Dimensiuni carton - 10 cm h x 5.5 cm l Pret: 4 ron Culori rosu, roz, albastru deschis, albastru inchis, mov, galben Comanda martisoare handmade cu ghiocei la sau pe Breslo la Mai multe poze si detalii aici |
Martisoare quilling din hartie in culorile curcubeului Dimensiuni martisor - aprox 5,50 cm Dimensiuni carton - 4,50 cm latime - 5,5 cm lungime Dimensiuni ambalaj - 11 cm Pret: 4 ron Comenzile se fac pe Breslo sau pe email la (nume, adresa, numar de telefon, cod postal) Mai multe detalii aici |
Martisoare din hartie, realizate in stil quilling: buchet de trandafiri miniatura in ghiveci Dimensiuni buchet de trandafiri: aprox 4-5 cm Dimensiuni cutie: 8 cm Dimensiuni ambalaj: 12 cm Culori: doua nuante de roz, portocaliu, rosu, visiniu inchis Pret: 6 ron Comanda pe Breslo sau prin email la (nume, adresa completa si cod postal, numar de telefon) In Bucuresti, ne putem intalni pentru predarea personala a comenzii. Mai multe poze si detalii aici |
Martisoare flori din hartie cu ac de brosa Dimensiuni martisor 2,7 - 3 cm (pot varia usor) Dimensiuni cutie plastic latimea de 5,7 cm si lungimea de 8 cm Culorile disponibile sunt cele din imagini: florile brosa alb cu rosu si rosu cu roz predomina. Daca preferati o anumita combinatie de culori va rog specificati in comanda. Pret: 5 ron Pentru o comanda de minim 10 martisoare cu ac de brosa, pretul scade la 4,7 ron pe martisor Comenzile se fac pe Breslo si prin email la (adresa, nume si prenume, telefon) Mai multe poze si detalii aici |
Martisoare din hartie, realizate in tehnica quilling - clopotei Culori disponibile: mov, rosu, albastru, visiniu, galben, alb, roz Dimensiuni floare: 8 cm Dimensiuni carton: 10 cm Pret: 4.5 ron Comanda pe Breslo sau prin email la (nume, adresa completa si cod postal, numar de telefon) In Bucuresti, ne putem intalni pentru predarea personala a comenzii. Mai multe poze aici |
Martisoru Ghiocelu martisor ghiocel realizat din hartie, in tehnica quilling pe suport de carton cusut la masina Dimensiuni martisor: 4 cm Dimensiuni carton: 6,5cm Pret: 3 ron Martisoarele vor fi ambalate individual in pungute de 1 martie. Comenzile se fac prin email la (nume, prenume, adresa, cod postal, numar de telefon) sau in magazinul de pe Breslo. Mai multe detalii si poze aici |
Martisor handmade boboci de trandafiri Flori realizate din hartie, in tehnica quilling Dimensiuni carton 8 cm latime 10 cm lungime Dimensiuni martisor 7cm vezi ambalajul in care vine martisorul aici Pret: 5 ron Comanda martisoare handmade cu ghiocei la sau pe Breslo la Mai multe imagini aici |
Martisor handmade iris - floare realizata din hartie, in tehnica quilling Dimensiuni carton 8 cm latime 10 cm lungime Dimensiuni martisor 7cm vezi ambalajul in care vine martisorul aici Pret: 6 ron Comanda martisoare handmade cu ghiocei la sau pe Breslo la Mai multe imagini aici |
Martisoare handmade din hartie: floarea soarelui in ghiveci Dimensiuni floarea soarelui: aprox 4-5 cm Dimensiuni cutie: 8 cm Dimensiuni ambalaj: 12 cm Culori: roz, albastru Pret: 6 ron Comanda pe Breslo sau prin email la (nume, adresa completa si cod postal, numar de telefon) In Bucuresti, ne putem intalni pentru predarea personala a comenzii. Mai multe detalii aici |
Martisoare crizanteme inflorite si boboci Dimensiuni floare: 10 cm lungime Latime carton - 5 cm Pret: 12 ron martisoarele vin ambalate in pungute de 1 martie Sunt disponibile in numar limitat, in trei culori: albastru, rosu si crem Comenzile se fac prin email la si pe Breslo la Mai multe poze aici |
Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 5, 2013
MauldenNews - April & May 2013
Greetings everyone!
We are doing well here. Enjoying the spring weather. We've had the typical Utah "Spring Mix" of 70-80-degree days alternating with snow and rain, but the last week has smoothed out a bit. Loving the flowers and green on the mountains.
We've had our ups and downs, as always. Our 2001 Prius broke down and we ended up replacing it with a 2010 Toyota Camry hybrid. I was sad to say goodbye to the Prius - the Camry is nice but I really liked the instant mpg feedback in the Prius. We are passing it on to a new owner - a nice young lady who is soon to turn 16 - we hope it will behave itself and be a good first car for her.
Flood and smoke - We had a couple of minor flooding events - washing machine and bathroom sink - both affecting the carpet in the same area, which I guess is good and bad. Some water found its way down to the basement, but luckily not too much damage was done. We also smoked up the kitchen pretty well when I left a pot of beans simmering on very low heat and forgot about it. Wish I could blame that on...something besides early-onset dementia...must be the kids' fault. I'm sure they distracted me. Yeah.
Sam turned 7 on April 15. He really, really, really really really wanted his party to be at Chuck E. Cheese so we agreed, reluctantly. I'm not sure where he got the idea since to our knowledge he'd never been there. Probably TV or school. Anyway, he had a great time with his friends - so much fun he forgot to eat. On the way home he realized he was hungry.
Sure do love this boy. Proud of how he is growing up. He has grown SO much as a kindergartner. His positive energy, playfulness, imagination and sense of humor are true gifts. He is a helpful backseat navigator too. When I take a wrong turn he lets me know. He knows how to get to school, church, stores, the pool, the dentist, etc. Who needs a GPS when I have him?
April 20 - Salt Lake Half Marathon - started and finished (in 2:24) with my totally awesome friend Tammy. It was drizzling rain and in the 40s - not ideal but I stayed reasonably comfortable until the very end when I let down my guard and soaked my shoes in a puddle or two. I also ran the Provo City Half Marathon on May 4, and though it started out too freakin' cold up in the canyon, and my toes were numb for the first 2 miles, the course was beautiful and it was plenty warm and sunny at the end. I finished in 2:12! My second best time. :-)
April 27 - MS Walk in Salt Lake City - the kids and I walked a mile on behalf of our VA MS patients and their families. Alle and Sam rode their scooters in pajamas. Sam went way ahead and made a wrong turn so Alle and I had to be detectives and guess which way he went. A helpful policeman pointed us in his direction and we caught up with him at the finish.
May 12 - Mother's Day - I am so grateful for my Mom. Every year I appreciate her more.
Til next time...
We are doing well here. Enjoying the spring weather. We've had the typical Utah "Spring Mix" of 70-80-degree days alternating with snow and rain, but the last week has smoothed out a bit. Loving the flowers and green on the mountains.
We've had our ups and downs, as always. Our 2001 Prius broke down and we ended up replacing it with a 2010 Toyota Camry hybrid. I was sad to say goodbye to the Prius - the Camry is nice but I really liked the instant mpg feedback in the Prius. We are passing it on to a new owner - a nice young lady who is soon to turn 16 - we hope it will behave itself and be a good first car for her.
Flood and smoke - We had a couple of minor flooding events - washing machine and bathroom sink - both affecting the carpet in the same area, which I guess is good and bad. Some water found its way down to the basement, but luckily not too much damage was done. We also smoked up the kitchen pretty well when I left a pot of beans simmering on very low heat and forgot about it. Wish I could blame that on...something besides early-onset dementia...must be the kids' fault. I'm sure they distracted me. Yeah.
Sam turned 7 on April 15. He really, really, really really really wanted his party to be at Chuck E. Cheese so we agreed, reluctantly. I'm not sure where he got the idea since to our knowledge he'd never been there. Probably TV or school. Anyway, he had a great time with his friends - so much fun he forgot to eat. On the way home he realized he was hungry.
Sure do love this boy. Proud of how he is growing up. He has grown SO much as a kindergartner. His positive energy, playfulness, imagination and sense of humor are true gifts. He is a helpful backseat navigator too. When I take a wrong turn he lets me know. He knows how to get to school, church, stores, the pool, the dentist, etc. Who needs a GPS when I have him?
April 20 - Salt Lake Half Marathon - started and finished (in 2:24) with my totally awesome friend Tammy. It was drizzling rain and in the 40s - not ideal but I stayed reasonably comfortable until the very end when I let down my guard and soaked my shoes in a puddle or two. I also ran the Provo City Half Marathon on May 4, and though it started out too freakin' cold up in the canyon, and my toes were numb for the first 2 miles, the course was beautiful and it was plenty warm and sunny at the end. I finished in 2:12! My second best time. :-)
April 27 - MS Walk in Salt Lake City - the kids and I walked a mile on behalf of our VA MS patients and their families. Alle and Sam rode their scooters in pajamas. Sam went way ahead and made a wrong turn so Alle and I had to be detectives and guess which way he went. A helpful policeman pointed us in his direction and we caught up with him at the finish.
May 12 - Mother's Day - I am so grateful for my Mom. Every year I appreciate her more.
Til next time...
Terrarium quilling: Colt de bucurie
Kiên Sim 3G
amanita muscaria,
cochilli de melci,
decoratiune de interior,
floare de hartie,
flori de hartie,
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Terrarium quilling: colt de bucurie |
Am surprins un alt colt de natura, o oaza de bucurie si racoare cand biroul devine sufocant. Racoarea si sclipirea magica a apei racoritoare de munte, culorile florilor si ciupercutelor, viata de pretutindeni, nenumaratele plantute si linistea padurii. E acel colt din padurea magica de care te-ai indragostit si de care ti-a parut rau ca nu il poti lua acasa. Acest terrarium quilling ramane coltul tau verde de bucurie chiar si atunci cand temperaturile sunt caniculare sau cand iarna bate furioasa la usa.
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Terrarium quilling: vedere de sus |
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Terrarium quilling: vedere de sus |
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Terrarium quilling vedere din fata stanga |
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Terrarium quilling: vedere din fata dreapta |
Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 5, 2013
Spring Swap Revista Atelierul: Cadoul minunat primit de la Red's Yard
Kiên Sim 3G
cercei din fimo,
prietenii Circului Magic,
Red's Yard,
swap. Revista Atelierul
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Vreau sa va arat ce minunatii am primit de la Red's Yard, partenera mea pentru editia din acest an a Spring Swap, organizat de Revista Atelierul. Mai trebuie sa va spun ca m-am indragostit de brosa fimo in forma de floare?
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Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 5, 2013
Quilling pentru gradina: Mobil cu fluturi
Kiên Sim 3G
decoratiune de interior,
mobil fluturi,
pentru gradina,
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Proaspat din gradina noastra: un mobil cu fluturasi quilling (mov cu roz), lacrimi multifatetate roz si paiete rotunde. E perfect pentru un pic de culoare si veselie, si se potriveste de minune cu micile gradine de apartament. Fluturii sunt prinsi de o crenguta de smochin si pentru ca intregul mobil este foarte usor, adierile de vant misca fluturasii iar lacrimile roz si paietele reflecta lumina soarelui in raze multicolore. E decoratiunea perfecta pentru o dimineata relaxanta, plina de inspiratie si bucurie.
Am pregatit si un video pentru voi, sa vedeti cat de dragut arata intregul mobil. Mobilul va face parte dintr-un giveaway luna urmatoare asa ca va invit pe pagina de Facebook Circul Magic sa participati.