Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 6, 2012

In biblioteca la Circul Magic: Astazi citesti Doi frati cu stea in frunte de Ion Slavici

In  weekend mi s-a trezit dorul de povesti frumoase. Si daca astazi tot e urat afara, de ce sa nu fie zi de citit... povesti. Am gasit pe blogul acesta mai multe carti, dar parca o poveste suna bine. I give you: Doi frati cu stea in frunte de Ion Slavici pe care o puteti citi online chiar aici:)

 Ioan Slavici - Doi Feţi Cu Stea În Frunte

Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 6, 2012

MauldenNews May-June 2012

13:00 By

News bites from May and June...

Alle finished first grade and Sam graduated from preschool. His teacher is retiring after 30+ years (hopefully not because Sam pushed her over the edge???)  Alle managed to earn her "Master's Certificate" in reading just one day prior to the end of school. (Luckily I remembered to e-mail those last 85 reading minutes on time - we scored a free ice cream cone!) She is really a fantastic reader and we're so very proud of her. She likes reading chapter books to me, and I am reading the Little House books to her. We also read the Indian in the Cupboard and watched the movie together. It's fun discovering "new" (old) children's books and revisiting some of my favorites. The kids also finished another round of swimming lessons and are very proficient little fishies in the water. We got them scooters so now they have some wheels that fit in our car for rides to the park.

We greatly enjoyed a visit over Memorial Day weekend with mom, dad, and Tim. Tim inspired us with tales of geocaching; not having a GPS, we tried letterboxing for the first time (see and it was a great success - we found 3 of 4 boxes and had a great time exploring Memory Grove Park. 

Training with the Salt Lake Galloway group is going well and I'm LOVING it! My latest race was a 10K Wounded Warrior run benefiting those wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. Two of our group members had lost their sons there so it was an especially meaningful run. I also must brag about hitting a new PR in my mile time - 8:14. Some people run a 4-minute mile, but I'd be thrilled to run one in 8!   I'm looking forward to the Timpanogos Half Marathon in July and the Nike Women's Half in San Francisco in October. 

Alle kindly made this sign warning passersby about the potential for bees in our yard.

We had a fantastic week with family in the vicinity of the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. This was not our cabin, but ours was similar. I loved the views on my daily run-walk workouts. The terrain was steep and challenging but did not stop me. :-)

Rafting the lower Pigeon River - class 2 rapids were just perfect for us. 

A 2.5-mile round-trip hike to Grotto Falls in Smoky  Mountains National Park. It was green and cool and beautiful. No bears, but we saw lots of cool insects and Alle made friends with a snail. I saw something like a little salamander or newt but it quickly retreated under a rock.

The Clan.

The last morning there, Sam got up before anyone else, got cookies from the kitchen (of course!) and while climbing up to turn on cartoons (?) fell against a sharp table edge and sliced his ear open. Here is the wound bathing in topical anesthetic...

The doctors, PA, nurses and Child Life specialists were very kind. Sam bravely played games on an iPad while getting 10 stitches. "5-0 vicryl please."

Recovering from an exhausting battle with Versed withdrawal. The remainder  of the dino kerlix made for good entertainment on the way home.

I love the Knoxville airport. The waterfall is soothing and you get to relax in the rocking chairs while awaiting your plane. 

That's all for now. Shalom...

La Circul Magic In Bucatarie: Socata

 A-nflorit socul in sfarsit, e timpul sa ne racorim cu o licoare facuta acasa. Data viitoare o personalizez si cu un pic de ghimbir.

Socul contine cateva ingrediente care sunt extrem de benefice pentru sanatate:
  • Triterpeni, inclusiv acid ursolic
  • Acid palmitic si linoleic
  • Flavonoide, inclusiv rutina, quercetina, kamferol
  • Pectina
  • Zaharuri

  • Este de obicei folosit in creme si tratamente cosmetice, insa medicinal socul reduce febra si stimuleaza sistemul imunitar, combate inflamatia si poate calma gatul iritat in timpul racelii. In mare, socul este un detoxifiant bun, purificand atat sangele cat si glandele limfatice. Topic este folosit pentru boli de piele si ajuta la reducerea cicatricilor si a pistruilor.

    Ingrediente pentru Socata
    10 flori mari soc
    500-600 gr zahar
    1 lamaie mare
    8 gr drojdie proaspata ( sau orez)
    Mai aveti nevoie de: un borcan de 5l
    1. Se spala florile de soc si se pun pe fundul borcanului. Se acopera cu zahar, apoi adaugati sucul de la lamaie si coaja taiata felii. Se pune apoi apa cat sa acopere totul si se lasa pana a doua zi.
    2. A doua zi se umple borcanul cu apa rece, se amesteca, se adauga drojdia (pentru a fermenta), se acopera cu tifon si se lasa la loc cald si insorit pentru inca 2-3 zile (depinde cat e de cald si cat de acidulata doriti sa fie soacata; la noi au fost suficiente 2 zile).
    3. In fiecare zi amestecati in borcan dimineata si seara si gustati socata. Cand a ajuns la aciditatea dorita strecurati socata, o puneti in sticle si o tineti la frigider.
    4. Socata se serveste rece.

    Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 6, 2012

    Tablou Quilling - Astral Energetic Connections

     Tablou Quilling - Astral Energetic Connections
     350 ron

    (facut din fasii de hartie colorata si dragoste, pe suport de panza, format A3)

    "You are more than the physical body that you sense. Your mind, emotions, and soul have their own bodies. These bodies are distinct from yet connected to your physical body. You have many bodies. Highly sensitive people have always been able to perceive one or more of these nonphysical bodies. Recent advances in science and technology are verifying their existence. Our day to day experience confirms their reality."

    Pe perete:

    Linked to these lovely party hosts:
    Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
    I'm Lovin' It at TidyMomThe Shabby Nest

    Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 6, 2012

    Reduceri pentru luna iunie, partea a 2-a

    Na na na. Aviz iubitoarelor de handmade si cititoarelor de Click! Pentru Femei: Ne bucuram mult de aparitia in paginile revistei si va asteptam cu drag cititoarelor cochete sa aruncati un ochi pe la noi prin magazin. V-am pregatit si o surpriza cu reduceri la gentile pictate de care vorbea revista:

    Saptamana urmatoare (18-22) orice Shopper din magazinul Circul Magic e la reducere: 30 ron. 

    Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 6, 2012

    Salvati Rosia Montana - Maia Morgenstern

    Trecand peste faptul ca clipul de mai jos e genial din punct de vedere al marketing-ului, mesajul transmis catre marile corporatii nesatule de aur si bani e genial. Maia reprezinta cel mai bine tipul romanului sarac dar onest, pur la suflet si iubitor de pamant. E parca o secventa din Morometii, nu vi se pare?

    11:06 By

    Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 6, 2012

    CirculMagic prin lume - Vara asta la Mamaia

    CirculMagic Shop e deja la mare. Va asteapta in Mamaia, la Heart Made :)

    Inspirational - Monarchy - Love Get Out Of My Way (Official Promo Video)

    Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 6, 2012

    Tutorial&Inspirational : Cum va plac merele verzi?

    DIY Stampile mar pt textile
    O idee super simpla si inspirata, pe care o s-o folosesc la primul proiect de shopper. Si merge nu doar cu mere, ci si cu pere (pe care vreau sa le incerc).

    Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 6, 2012

    Decoratiune de birou - flori de hartie

    Cu ce sa ne mai infrumusetam birourile gri de la munca? Cu niste flori rozalii minunat de colorate care nu se vestejesc niciodata. 
    Decoratiune din Flori din hartie creponata si baza de hartie realizata in stil quilling.
    Pret: 15 ron

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