Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 6, 2009
Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 6, 2009
Osaka, onsens, yakuzas y el más guarro del lugar
Estoy en Osaka, he llegado aquí en un maravilloso tren bala que casi le falta volar, digo casi porque creo que ya vuela...
Como siempre, me las he apañado para ver los lugares más sórdidos y oscuros de Japón, en este caso de Osaka.
Como soy un cutre, me gasto una miseria en dormir y me alojo en un recóndito agujero en un fétido barrio de Osaka lleno de borrachos y vagabundos.
Por no haber no hay ni ducha, sin embargo tenemos un maravilloso onsen, baño de agua caliente con duchas que lo rodean, con sauna. Si será sórdido el lugar que hasta dejan entrar a japoneses tatuados, digo hasta porque en todo Japón no se permite la entrada en lugares públicos a ninguna persona con tatuajes, aunque sea el nombre de la novia yonki de tu hermano en letras minúsculas...
De hecho todas las noches veo a un tipo de aspecto yakuza dale que te pego a la esponja.
La gente en Japón se lava hasta hacerse sangre. Se sientan en su taburete y se empiezan a frotar a quemarropa con una esponja o una toallita y bien de jabón. Esto se hace antes de meterse en el baño de agua caliente que es comunal.
Parece un poco una competición de a ver quién es el último en dejarse de frotar, como si ésto significase que al ser el último eres más limpio que todos los que ya se han dejado de frotar antes, los muy cerdos.
Mira que yo soy relimpio, si hasta tengo la piel que se me cae a tiras de ducharme... Pues ni con esas puedo con esta peña, me siento como el gaijin (extranjero) cerdo. Se deben pensar que voy a dejar una mancha de grasa a la que me meta en el baño.
Y eso que me quedo un poco más de lo acostumbrado dale que dale al fregoteo para que no digan, pero nada, me jarto y ahí siguen, como si nada pasara.
El yakuza es el que más ímpetu pone el pobre, debe ser agotador estar todo el día asustando y extorsionando, que lástima, lo agusto que se le ve ahí con su esponjica.
Que se le va a hacer.
Hasta otra.
Como siempre, me las he apañado para ver los lugares más sórdidos y oscuros de Japón, en este caso de Osaka.
Como soy un cutre, me gasto una miseria en dormir y me alojo en un recóndito agujero en un fétido barrio de Osaka lleno de borrachos y vagabundos.
Por no haber no hay ni ducha, sin embargo tenemos un maravilloso onsen, baño de agua caliente con duchas que lo rodean, con sauna. Si será sórdido el lugar que hasta dejan entrar a japoneses tatuados, digo hasta porque en todo Japón no se permite la entrada en lugares públicos a ninguna persona con tatuajes, aunque sea el nombre de la novia yonki de tu hermano en letras minúsculas...
De hecho todas las noches veo a un tipo de aspecto yakuza dale que te pego a la esponja.
La gente en Japón se lava hasta hacerse sangre. Se sientan en su taburete y se empiezan a frotar a quemarropa con una esponja o una toallita y bien de jabón. Esto se hace antes de meterse en el baño de agua caliente que es comunal.
Parece un poco una competición de a ver quién es el último en dejarse de frotar, como si ésto significase que al ser el último eres más limpio que todos los que ya se han dejado de frotar antes, los muy cerdos.
Mira que yo soy relimpio, si hasta tengo la piel que se me cae a tiras de ducharme... Pues ni con esas puedo con esta peña, me siento como el gaijin (extranjero) cerdo. Se deben pensar que voy a dejar una mancha de grasa a la que me meta en el baño.
Y eso que me quedo un poco más de lo acostumbrado dale que dale al fregoteo para que no digan, pero nada, me jarto y ahí siguen, como si nada pasara.
El yakuza es el que más ímpetu pone el pobre, debe ser agotador estar todo el día asustando y extorsionando, que lástima, lo agusto que se le ve ahí con su esponjica.
Que se le va a hacer.
Hasta otra.
Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 6, 2009
Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 6, 2009
Canal de Isabel II privado
Me mandan este power point al mail:
Id dándole a la diapositiva y pasará a la siguiente.
Id dándole a la diapositiva y pasará a la siguiente.
Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 6, 2009
Acariciando gatos en Tokio
Hay por la ciudad algunos lugares para acariciar gatos, sí, sí, el propósito de dichos lugares es el de que acaricies gatos.
¿Es o no es una maravilla?

¿Es o no es una maravilla?
Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 6, 2009
Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 6, 2009
Tokyo Star Wars Pop Up
Ya estoy en Tokyo.
El caso es que ya llevo unos cuantos días por aquí...
Vovlví a Hong Kong unos días y desde allí pasé a Tokyo.
Casi no recordaba lo bestial que es esto. Y la comida...
Todo está bueno...
De momento solo subo este vídeo que grabamos de un libro “pop up” de Star Wars que vimos en una tienda de juguetes en Tokio.
El caso es que ya llevo unos cuantos días por aquí...
Vovlví a Hong Kong unos días y desde allí pasé a Tokyo.
Casi no recordaba lo bestial que es esto. Y la comida...
Todo está bueno...
De momento solo subo este vídeo que grabamos de un libro “pop up” de Star Wars que vimos en una tienda de juguetes en Tokio.
Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 6, 2009
Moab, continued
More fun in the sun...discovered Sand Dune Arch yesterday. It's a 0.2 mile hike partway between huge vertical slabs of sandstone and ending in an arch over a big hill of very soft sand. Lots of shade, more lizards and one small snake in the rock wall, and very pleasant. We hung out about an hour while the kids played and played in the sand. Like the beach without any water, more shade, less wind and of course the amazing huge slabs of sandstone representing eons of erosion.
Afterward we went out on a limb and did a 0.6 mile hike out to Broken Arch, which is not broken as far as I can tell. The prickly pear cacti were blooming, lots of different colors - yellow, pink, white - and many other flowers graced the trail in bright yellow and purple. There was more greenery than usual, I think because of the recent rains. We carried the kids part of the way but our plot to wear them out worked - again they took a very deep nap after lunch. Ahhh...
The quote of the day was Sam's - he reliably denies any questions about whether his diaper may be poopy. Bryan asked, "Sam, why do you always lie about having a poopy diaper?" and immediately Sam replied, "Becuzzz...I...WUV you!!"
The pool was not very warm our first couple days here, but they must have fixed it because last night it was very comfortable - MUCH warmer. We brought all our pool toys. Alex is really very independent in the water now - as long as she has her life vest - she likes to zoom all around on her own and jump in all by herself. The first time I saw her head go all the way under I thought, "Well, this should be interesting," but she came up grinning from ear to ear. She is ready for swimming lessons - wish I could teach her but I'd really like her to learn to swim. :-)
Sam is just getting used to floating on his own, but isn't as adept as Alex yet - he rolls in the life vest and his face goes right in the water. He does love holding on to his inflatable ring though, and gets mad if we try to hold on to him. Every day the pool is a highlight. There is sand in the bottom of it but I guess this is Moab, where people come off the trails and bring it in with them.
Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 6, 2009
fun in Moab
Vacation in Moab. FUN!
Will need to post pictures later - currently they are trapped in the camera in the same room as 2 sleeping kids.
I don't think we've been here since before Alex. We've enjoyed surprisingly mild temperatures (50's to 80's) and some equally surprising afternoon rain showers. Refreshing. This morning we took the kids on their first hike in Arches, exploring the Courthouse Wash. It's a soft sandy creekbed next to a canyon wall - shade and trees much of the way - and we really had a great time. Alex loved it, loved squishing the red mud between her toes, walking in her bare feet, chasing lizards and tadpoles and water striders, and playing in the mud and sand while telling me long, involved imaginary stories. She did not like the live crawdad Bryan picked up, though. Sam, suprisingly, was pretty squeamish about the mud and wanted to be carried a lot of the way. WTH? Since when does Sam care about getting his feet a little wet? Go figure.
Anyway, we also explored the Ranger Station where we got to imprint Play-Doh with animal tracks and play with various types of rubber animal poop. We even brought the plasma cars and ranger station has a nice patio perfect for zooming around on them. After all that sun and fun, Sam actually stayed in his seat during most of lunch. :-) We got pineapple sorbet and browsed the used bookstore, where, incredibly, I found a used hardback illustrated (animated comic-book style) story of the "Robin Hood of Korea." It's over the kids' heads now, but they will probably like it when they're older. The author grew up in Korea as the daughter of medical missionaries and studied Korean painting...what a find for Moab. We bought some other books and went back to the hotel room and both kids drifted away looking at their new books.
The pool here was advertised as "heated" but if it is, it's not very warm. Well, other than that we can't complain. The hotel serves us fresh baked cookies every afternoon and a continental breakfast every morning. So far, fabulous.
Will need to post pictures later - currently they are trapped in the camera in the same room as 2 sleeping kids.
I don't think we've been here since before Alex. We've enjoyed surprisingly mild temperatures (50's to 80's) and some equally surprising afternoon rain showers. Refreshing. This morning we took the kids on their first hike in Arches, exploring the Courthouse Wash. It's a soft sandy creekbed next to a canyon wall - shade and trees much of the way - and we really had a great time. Alex loved it, loved squishing the red mud between her toes, walking in her bare feet, chasing lizards and tadpoles and water striders, and playing in the mud and sand while telling me long, involved imaginary stories. She did not like the live crawdad Bryan picked up, though. Sam, suprisingly, was pretty squeamish about the mud and wanted to be carried a lot of the way. WTH? Since when does Sam care about getting his feet a little wet? Go figure.
Anyway, we also explored the Ranger Station where we got to imprint Play-Doh with animal tracks and play with various types of rubber animal poop. We even brought the plasma cars and ranger station has a nice patio perfect for zooming around on them. After all that sun and fun, Sam actually stayed in his seat during most of lunch. :-) We got pineapple sorbet and browsed the used bookstore, where, incredibly, I found a used hardback illustrated (animated comic-book style) story of the "Robin Hood of Korea." It's over the kids' heads now, but they will probably like it when they're older. The author grew up in Korea as the daughter of medical missionaries and studied Korean painting...what a find for Moab. We bought some other books and went back to the hotel room and both kids drifted away looking at their new books.
The pool here was advertised as "heated" but if it is, it's not very warm. Well, other than that we can't complain. The hotel serves us fresh baked cookies every afternoon and a continental breakfast every morning. So far, fabulous.