Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 2, 2008
Fun Times
Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 2, 2008
En las andadas de nuevo
Esto es un desastre.
Pobrecito mi blog, que lástima, lo buena persona que es y lo bien que se porta conmigo y yo aquí sin escribirle ni nada.
Supongo que mi nueva vida me mantiene demasiado ocupado como para hacerle caso.
Hace unos días ha sido mi cumpleaños, 31, lo cual me importa un pepino, y he ido a ver a familia y a amig@s a Madrid.
Ya he encontrado piso en Palma, y está situado en el centrísimo de la ciudad, como a mí me gusta. Me he mudado hace un par de semanas. El edificio está en obras y la escalera no tiene ni luz, todo eso junto con que sea un 4º ó 5º sin ascensor (en el centro las casas son antiguas y no tienen ascensor)hacen que el valor de la casa baje bastante, pero a mí no me importa ya que ni veo a los albañiles ya que estoy trabajando ni me importa subir unas escaleras.
Me he tenido que imprimir un calendario para poder coordinar lo de las visitas,, ya que se me ha apuntado bastante gente :P
Ya tengo mi bici, hoy mismo me iré a comprar un casco y candados y mañana mismo la uso para venir al curro. Y hoy mismo me voy a instalar Linux Ubuntu en la PS3.
Planes para este año a corto plazo:
Canción que más escucho:
Pobrecito mi blog, que lástima, lo buena persona que es y lo bien que se porta conmigo y yo aquí sin escribirle ni nada.
Supongo que mi nueva vida me mantiene demasiado ocupado como para hacerle caso.
Hace unos días ha sido mi cumpleaños, 31, lo cual me importa un pepino, y he ido a ver a familia y a amig@s a Madrid.
Ya he encontrado piso en Palma, y está situado en el centrísimo de la ciudad, como a mí me gusta. Me he mudado hace un par de semanas. El edificio está en obras y la escalera no tiene ni luz, todo eso junto con que sea un 4º ó 5º sin ascensor (en el centro las casas son antiguas y no tienen ascensor)hacen que el valor de la casa baje bastante, pero a mí no me importa ya que ni veo a los albañiles ya que estoy trabajando ni me importa subir unas escaleras.
Me he tenido que imprimir un calendario para poder coordinar lo de las visitas,, ya que se me ha apuntado bastante gente :P
Ya tengo mi bici, hoy mismo me iré a comprar un casco y candados y mañana mismo la uso para venir al curro. Y hoy mismo me voy a instalar Linux Ubuntu en la PS3.
Planes para este año a corto plazo:
- Presentar un proyecto de un juego a ver si cambio de departamento y puedo ser Game Designer
- Leer muchos libros y comics buenos (lo mismo no pongo Internet en casa para no perder el tiempo)
- Perder algo de peso (no es facil con la cantidad de vuelos que me compro a Madrid a ver a mis padres...)
- Hacer algo creativo, ya sea cine, novela o lo que sea
- Mejorar la tienda de ebay con Juanma ( con nuevas cosillas
- Hacer ropa con Invikto, siempre hemos querido crear nuestra marca de ropa urbana...
- Aprender Japonés (todos los días le dedico aunque sea media hora escuchando un cursillo de japonés en audio, "Pimsleur Japanese")
- ¿Visitar algún país nuevo?
- Seguir tratando a todo el mundo lo mejor que pueda.
- Etc, etc, etc...
Canción que más escucho:
Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2008
Gold medal, and I love my DVR

Well, it took me about a year and 3 weeks - but my goal was to do it before my 39th birthday on March 8 and I made it! Woo-hoo!
For those of you who don't know, I've been working toward a Presidential fitness award. You log your workout points online and they accumulate toward a bronze (20,000 points), silver (40,000) or gold medal (80,000). I liked having the extra motivation to work out. Now that I'm done, though, I might need something else to motivate me to stick with it, especially through the rest of the winter.
Anyway - yahoo!
Unrelated subject: I really LOVE having a DVR. Buzz says it revolutionizes your TV watching and he is right. I am having fun watching shows I have heard about but never seen, like What Not to Wear. I recognize myself way too much in that one. A friend told me a couple years ago she wanted to nominate me for it, but I doubt I would ever do it. The whole new wardrobe would be nice though.
Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 2, 2008
awkward moment
So I'm standing at the voter sign-in table this morning at 7:15 a.m. when an acquaintance of mine comes in right behind me. He went to my alma mater, Wheaton College, and we've known him and his family on friendly terms for years here in Salt Lake. We used to go to the same church. He is a conservative Republican, politically active, and though we have rarely if ever discussed politics I think he's pretty darn committed to Republican ideals.
So in our state, if you're unaffiliated (as I am) the voter-sign-in dude has to ask you which ticket you want to vote on. So I answered "Democrat" right in front of my die-hard Republican acquaintance. It's not exactly an invasion of privacy, but it did make me uncomfortable. I am pretty moderate actually and have voted about equally Republican and Democrat in the past, but in the past few elections I've been swinging more to the Democratic side. These days, the war and the environment are on my mind as I approach the candidates. Every election year is different.
Oh well - in the grand scheme of things, I am extremely grateful that elections here are so calm and well-tempered, especially in light of what's happening in Kenya and what happens in a lot of the world around election time. I don't think our friendship with this guy and his family will change much because he knows I voted on the Democratic ticket - but all the same, I think the party affiliation rules in this state are kind of silly and annoying. Why can't we just cast a vote for whichever candidate we prefer, regardless of party?
So in our state, if you're unaffiliated (as I am) the voter-sign-in dude has to ask you which ticket you want to vote on. So I answered "Democrat" right in front of my die-hard Republican acquaintance. It's not exactly an invasion of privacy, but it did make me uncomfortable. I am pretty moderate actually and have voted about equally Republican and Democrat in the past, but in the past few elections I've been swinging more to the Democratic side. These days, the war and the environment are on my mind as I approach the candidates. Every election year is different.
Oh well - in the grand scheme of things, I am extremely grateful that elections here are so calm and well-tempered, especially in light of what's happening in Kenya and what happens in a lot of the world around election time. I don't think our friendship with this guy and his family will change much because he knows I voted on the Democratic ticket - but all the same, I think the party affiliation rules in this state are kind of silly and annoying. Why can't we just cast a vote for whichever candidate we prefer, regardless of party?
Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 2, 2008
voting, and why are the flags at half mast?
Tomorrow is our primary and I still don't know who I'm voting for.
This is a cry for help. I'm informationally-challenged when it comes to finding out the real scoop about the candidates. So for all you politically-savvy people out there, how do you get good information? I have tried random internet searching but it seems I just get a lot of opinionated propaganda and not much substance. I'd like to be an informed voter, but I'm pressed for time so I need an efficient good source of (hopefully relatively unbiased) information.
For this primary it may be too late, but I have confidence that the people of Utah will vote overwhelmingly for Mitt Romney so my vote will not count for much here. But I would still like to become better informed.
BTW, I will not be voting for Mitt. :-)
Second issue for the day: Why were all the American flags flying at half mast this weekend? Was there some national tragedy I was unaware of? They were already half mast before the super bowl, so it couldn't have been out of pity for the Pats. :-) I have a suspicion, and this is only a theory, that it is because Gordon B. Hinckley, the LDS president, died and his funeral was Saturday. Now, I have nothing against appropriate ceremonies to mourn for Mr. Hinckley, but it makes me wonder what are the criteria for deciding to lower all the American flags? I remember they were lowered at Ronald Reagan's death, and September 11. But am I being silly to think it is a little out of place to lower the flags for the death of a religious figure? I don't know why - something about the connection between the LDS church and the American flag just bothers me. Something about separation of church and state. Or, is this not the reason at all for the half mast flags?
Anyone? Anyone?
This is a cry for help. I'm informationally-challenged when it comes to finding out the real scoop about the candidates. So for all you politically-savvy people out there, how do you get good information? I have tried random internet searching but it seems I just get a lot of opinionated propaganda and not much substance. I'd like to be an informed voter, but I'm pressed for time so I need an efficient good source of (hopefully relatively unbiased) information.
For this primary it may be too late, but I have confidence that the people of Utah will vote overwhelmingly for Mitt Romney so my vote will not count for much here. But I would still like to become better informed.
BTW, I will not be voting for Mitt. :-)
Second issue for the day: Why were all the American flags flying at half mast this weekend? Was there some national tragedy I was unaware of? They were already half mast before the super bowl, so it couldn't have been out of pity for the Pats. :-) I have a suspicion, and this is only a theory, that it is because Gordon B. Hinckley, the LDS president, died and his funeral was Saturday. Now, I have nothing against appropriate ceremonies to mourn for Mr. Hinckley, but it makes me wonder what are the criteria for deciding to lower all the American flags? I remember they were lowered at Ronald Reagan's death, and September 11. But am I being silly to think it is a little out of place to lower the flags for the death of a religious figure? I don't know why - something about the connection between the LDS church and the American flag just bothers me. Something about separation of church and state. Or, is this not the reason at all for the half mast flags?
Anyone? Anyone?