Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 12, 2007
Christmas Preview
We opened gifts at our house this Saturday because we're going out of town this week. Bryan and I were up until 1:30 a.m. assembling the new train table. As we were finishing, Bryan said, "Now I know why my parents were always so tired on Christmas." Yes, we are just now figuring this out. I anticipate many sleep-deprived Christmas days for years to come, until the kids are old enough to request gifts that do not need complicated assembly. Of course, by then we will probably be waiting up for them to come home...
The late night effort was SO worth it though! I held the kids at bay until Bryan had the video camera ready. They walked in, saw the train table and raced straight for it without a word. Alex soon discovered stockings, candy, and presents, though Sam remained happily in Train Heaven for most of the morning.
Alex and I had been talking a lot about the song, "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" which she has requested as her bedtime song for the past few weeks. I also explained to her that good kids get presents, toys, and candy - while "bad" kids get coal, which is like rocks and isn't much fun. When she saw the presents she said, "I was GOOD!" and "I did not pout!" and "I did not get rocks!"
Sam's fun was interrupted by a much needed bath, to his dismay. He did get to keep his Tootsie Pop in the bathtub though, which was a good receptacle for the copious amounts of green drool.
I am loving Christmas with a 1- and 3-year old! It is so easy to make them happy. And fun to see the innocent, surprised happy expressions. I'm glad we get to do it again in another week or so.
Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 12, 2007
Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 12, 2007
"Just" adopt
I really enjoyed this article by Sarah Kelly. It's about the well-intended phrase tossed out by so many people who don't know what else to say when confronted with infertility - "You can always just adopt."
Not sure if the link above will work - and don't want to violate any copyright laws but here are some excerpts -
I liked the last paragraph too:
Kudos to you, Sarah Kelly - lots of heads are nodding in agreement and appreciation for what you put into words.
Not sure if the link above will work - and don't want to violate any copyright laws but here are some excerpts -
"Which is why you cannot tell someone to “just adopt.” As if there were anything “just” about it. It’s not like, “Hmm, what should I do today? Oh, I know! I’d love to fill out 500 government forms! I’ll just do that today! And then I’ll just schedule multiple visits with social workers, request letters of reference, declarations of good health, a complete financial inventory—I’ll lay bare every aspect of my life that can be summarized on paper. And then I’ll just have everything notarized. In triplicate.”
The complicated process aside, before making a new map for your life and choosing to adopt, you need to go as far as you feel comfortable going with treatment, mourn not being pregnant, and say goodbye to the future you assumed you’d have.
I liked the last paragraph too:
After everything my husband and I went through in our quest for the “miracle of life,” I know now what the real miracle is. Through everything—through miles and oceans and air and time and loss and grief and healing and acceptance and love—we found a way to our son and he found his way to us.
Kudos to you, Sarah Kelly - lots of heads are nodding in agreement and appreciation for what you put into words.
Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 12, 2007
bizarre, and sad
So, I'm in my office working away and the sound of a helicopter circling barely registers, but keeps intruding on my consciousness. Eventually a co-worker sends out an e-mail: there's a news helicopter and the Credit Union (across the street, visible from my office window) is surrounded by fire trucks and security. What's up?
Turns out a construction worker was buried in 8 feet of dirt when a trench collapsed on him. Heavy equipment was brought in to rescue him but they were unable to reach him. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
I can hear the news helicopter again, sitting here at my desk on a sunny cold December day. A day just like any other day - for us - but for one man, his last day. May he rest in peace.
Turns out a construction worker was buried in 8 feet of dirt when a trench collapsed on him. Heavy equipment was brought in to rescue him but they were unable to reach him. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
I can hear the news helicopter again, sitting here at my desk on a sunny cold December day. A day just like any other day - for us - but for one man, his last day. May he rest in peace.
Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 12, 2007
little faces haunting me

In the midst of the Christmas season, with all the shopping and the lights and the cheery music, I am haunted today by two images which have reached around the world to me. It would be easy to forget them, and in prior years I probably would have been able to, at least with more ease than I can now. The needs of the world are overwhelming, and it becomes too hard to think about them all the time. But this year, these two images are lingering in my mind.
The first is a picture of several children at an orphanage in South Korea. The picture was taken recently by an adult Korean adoptee who writes for the NY Times Relative Choices blog ( She was adopted at age 3 and grew up in the US. Seeing these kids, she wrote, "Looking at those children I could not help but think: I got out."
As great as it is that we were able to adopt Alex and Sam, in slightly different circumstances they could easily have ended up exactly where these children are. They could be the kids in that picture.
The second image is a black and white photo of a baby in a North Korean orphanage, sent to us by Holt International. They have been supporting orphans in North Korea for about 5 years, but this year, due to flooding on top of famine, hundreds of children are starving - and dying in terrible numbers. There is no heat in the orphanages; children are huddling together for warmth. Milk is so scarce that staff workers are grinding rice and grain into powder for "formula." After recently reading about the conditions in post-war South Korea in the 1950s, it strikes me that after all this time things are just as bad in the North--even worse, because they are cut off from many sources of aid that were available in the South. Once again - if Sam or Alex had been born just a little north of where they were - they could be the ones in these photos. The thought brings tears to my eyes.
There is normally little opportunity to send aid from the US to North Korea, due to government policies and other factors. I hope Holt will collect a lot of donations for its North Korea program (see As for us - how could we say no?
Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 12, 2007
Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven
Si alguien tiene una canción más bonita que esta que me lo diga. Seguro se puede encontrar alguna, pero no muchas...
Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 12, 2007
Cambio de vida. Palma de Mallorca. Tragnarion games

Lo sé. Llevo un montón sin postear. Lo que pasa es que mi vida ha dado un giro en las últimas semanas.
Os cuento:
Un día recibí un mail de una empresa inglesa encargada de poner en contacto a empresas de videojuegos con empleados potenciales. Me hablaron de una compañía en Palma de Mallorca, Tragnarion Studios, que se dedicaba a desarrollar videojuegos y que necesitaban a alguien para encargarse de su departamento de QA (Quality Assurance), que significa control de calidad.

El caso es que, tras mucho dilucidar, decidí darle una oportunidad para ver como era el asunto. El caso es que me organizaron una entrevista telefónica con el director del estudio y a los pocos días estaba volando a Palma para entrevistarnos. Yo no estaba muy seguro de nada, pero para mí suponía una oportunidad de ver a mis amigos de Palma por un día y de ver el estudio por dentro ya que el vuelo corría a cuenta de la empresa.

El estudio me gustó, muy al estilo americano, oficinas grandes y soleadas, llenas de muñecajos, armas de juguete para los diseñadores, espacioso, con área de ocio, estudio de sonido, de efectos especiales...
El caso es que después de ver el estudio y a la gente, me encariñé algo con él, pero las condiciones seguían sin convencerme.
Me volví a Madrid sin dar una respuesta asegurando que me decidiría antes del final de la siguiente semana.

La siguiente semana recibí un montón de llamadas de la empresa inglesa, intentando convencerme y diciendo que el estudio estaba dispuesto a negociar. El caso es que tras unas 6 llamadas y de ofrecerme algunas cosillas que pedía, decidí dar el sí.
El caso es que estoy en Palma, viviendo en casa de unos amigos que se han ido a Japón 2 semanas y me han dejado con 4 gatos que me alegran el día.
Los juegos en los que estamos trabajando son, The Scourge, un FPS (First Person Shooter), juegos de disparar enemigos estilo Doom, en primera persona,

y Doodle Hex. Un curioso juego de magia para DS en el que para luchar contra tu contrincante tienes que dibujar unas runas en la pantalla de tu DS.

Ahora un vídeo de cuando llevaron el juego al Salón del Manga de Barcelona:
Pues eso, que ahora soy el QAM (Quality Assurance Manager) y que estoy bastante a gusto.
Un par de cotilleos: el dueños de la empresa es un sueco hijo del dueño del Ikea de Palma y al parecer estuvo casado con Juncal Rivero. Le deben gustar mucho los videojuegos...
De hecho nosotros comemos en el Ikea, ya que el estudio está situado en uno de los edificios de Ikea.