Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 11, 2007
Thanksgiving, the Good Earth, friends
Wow, I haven't blogged in a month now, since Halloween.
Thanksgiving was great fun this year. We were all reasonably healthy (the kids had runny noses). Cameo and I split up the cooking for Thanksgiving dinner again and it was a true feast. Thank goodness the turkey turned out well - I always feel I don't know what I'm doing when I try to make big meat dishes. I have a new favorite dessert - Bryan's mom's recipe for "Captain Scott H's Key Lime Pie." Yum. The stores here don't carry key lime kool aid, so I used lemon lime and it was OK, but if I ever do find key lime kool aid I'll buy a lot. :-) Cameo's pumpkin gooey cake was very delicious too. We had our friend Jill and Buzz's friend Alison and family and we all played Catch Phrase after dinner. A good game you can play anywhere with any number of people. The kids were playing semi-independently, though at one point I wondered where Sam had gone so I checked. I found Ava pressing down on him in a corner with one of the chair pillows in the toy room. He wasn't complaining, just trying to sit up despite having a pillow and Ava on top of him, and Ava explained something about how she was trying to play with something (translation: trying to keep Sam out of her toys).
It was interesting preparing and eating such a decadent feast while in the midst of reading about the famine in The Good Earth. Several thoughts I've had while reading it...
- Women in this country are very, very lucky to live here and now.
- I thought I worked hard and for little reward in residency - reading about how the people worked themselves to the bone on the land (and still risked starvation) really puts things in perspective!
- Things happen "when the rich are too rich, and the poor are too poor." Reminds me of the line in Les Miserables, "Something's gotta happen now and something's gotta give."
- The protagonist of The Good Earth is a man, but I think Pearl Buck secretly makes the real hero of the story a woman. A plain, silent, selfless, sad woman who no one wanted.
- I cried when I read about Olan's death and Wang Lung's response. I'm pretty sure I liked this book well enough when I first read it in high school (20+ years ago now!?) but I think I appreciate it much more now. How many other books were half wasted on me in high school and college?
Anyway - not much more can be said about a long weekend of feasting and friends and time with my beloved family. I am deeply thankful.
Thanksgiving was great fun this year. We were all reasonably healthy (the kids had runny noses). Cameo and I split up the cooking for Thanksgiving dinner again and it was a true feast. Thank goodness the turkey turned out well - I always feel I don't know what I'm doing when I try to make big meat dishes. I have a new favorite dessert - Bryan's mom's recipe for "Captain Scott H's Key Lime Pie." Yum. The stores here don't carry key lime kool aid, so I used lemon lime and it was OK, but if I ever do find key lime kool aid I'll buy a lot. :-) Cameo's pumpkin gooey cake was very delicious too. We had our friend Jill and Buzz's friend Alison and family and we all played Catch Phrase after dinner. A good game you can play anywhere with any number of people. The kids were playing semi-independently, though at one point I wondered where Sam had gone so I checked. I found Ava pressing down on him in a corner with one of the chair pillows in the toy room. He wasn't complaining, just trying to sit up despite having a pillow and Ava on top of him, and Ava explained something about how she was trying to play with something (translation: trying to keep Sam out of her toys).
It was interesting preparing and eating such a decadent feast while in the midst of reading about the famine in The Good Earth. Several thoughts I've had while reading it...
- Women in this country are very, very lucky to live here and now.
- I thought I worked hard and for little reward in residency - reading about how the people worked themselves to the bone on the land (and still risked starvation) really puts things in perspective!
- Things happen "when the rich are too rich, and the poor are too poor." Reminds me of the line in Les Miserables, "Something's gotta happen now and something's gotta give."
- The protagonist of The Good Earth is a man, but I think Pearl Buck secretly makes the real hero of the story a woman. A plain, silent, selfless, sad woman who no one wanted.
- I cried when I read about Olan's death and Wang Lung's response. I'm pretty sure I liked this book well enough when I first read it in high school (20+ years ago now!?) but I think I appreciate it much more now. How many other books were half wasted on me in high school and college?
Anyway - not much more can be said about a long weekend of feasting and friends and time with my beloved family. I am deeply thankful.
Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 11, 2007
World of Warcraft has officially taken over my life. The game was released in 2004 and I've fought buying it for so long because I knew this would happen. Some people think its geeky, but heck I don't care.. it still kicks ass. I'm at level 43 now, achieved in the span of 3 weeks which is quite intense. The fact that work don't come easy in this country means that I've got lots of spare time (yes, there is a shortage of doctors in Bahrain yet we still find it hard to get employed). All this spare time has been dedicated to leveling my character in pursuit of more power, better items and crazier adventures.
The missus is unfortunately away for a while, and I know that this will all end when she comes back. That doesn't make me sad. In fact, it might be a good thing for my general well being.
Short post, but I need to get back to questing. Level 44 awaits.
The missus is unfortunately away for a while, and I know that this will all end when she comes back. That doesn't make me sad. In fact, it might be a good thing for my general well being.
Short post, but I need to get back to questing. Level 44 awaits.
Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 11, 2007
Blue Magic, Jay Z - American Gangster
Lo que se puede hacer con una producción millonaria y todo el peso de Roc-A-Fella Records detrás. Jay Z no deja de sorprenderme de vez en cuando con una joya de estas.
Unos añitos antes que todo esto, 1998, el amigo Jay, sacó el que se consideró su mejor album hasta entonces. Se decía que estaba en un momento artístico de lucidez en el que no había estado antes, "Hard Knock Life".
A disfrutar...
¿Reconocéis a Pharrell Williams?
A veces lo comercial no es tan malo...
Ahó os dejo con Blue Magic, para la banda sonora de la película American Gangster.
Hace algunos años, 2003, me cautivó con un temazo llamado "Dirt Off your Shoulders" con una base impresionante. ¡Cómo nos divertíamos pinchando este tema en garitos de mala muerte de Brighton! Lo malo es que a alguien le gustó mucho el disco y me lo "sustrajo", una pena porque no me lo volví a comprar...
Unos añitos antes que todo esto, 1998, el amigo Jay, sacó el que se consideró su mejor album hasta entonces. Se decía que estaba en un momento artístico de lucidez en el que no había estado antes, "Hard Knock Life".
A disfrutar...
Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 11, 2007
Ilusiones ópticas "sociales"
Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 11, 2007
El mejor camión del mundo
O al menos lo es para mí.
Me parece impresionante.
Soy fan acérrimo de la serie Mad Max y de todas las pelis postapocalípticas. Éste sería un vehículo ideal para vivir en el desierto junto luchando contra hordas de zombies y de monstruos mutantes del desierto.
Una maravilla.
Creo que es una agencia que lo alquila para viajes aventura, pero está en alemán y no me entero ni del Nodo.

Me parece impresionante.
Soy fan acérrimo de la serie Mad Max y de todas las pelis postapocalípticas. Éste sería un vehículo ideal para vivir en el desierto junto luchando contra hordas de zombies y de monstruos mutantes del desierto.
Una maravilla.
Creo que es una agencia que lo alquila para viajes aventura, pero está en alemán y no me entero ni del Nodo.

Boli teléfono
Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 11, 2007
La EX-V7

Por fín han sacado algo parecido a la moto de Kaneda, de Akira, y además eléctrica.
Tardará un millón de años en llegar al resto del mundo, si es que lo hace...
En cuanto salga, y si tengo algo de dinero, me la compro.
Aunque no se como se cargará o si te tienes que comprar un alargador de 450 metros para enchufarla a un enchufe de tu casa desde el parking...

Una monada...
Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 11, 2007
La estrella más grande conocida
Una serie de fotos que relacionan el Sol, nuestro lindo planeta y los de nuestra galaxia con las estrellas más grandes conocidas.
Bastante impresionante.

Haced clic en la foto para ver la secuencia, dejad que vayan cargando.
No somos nadie...
Cortesía de
Bastante impresionante.

Haced clic en la foto para ver la secuencia, dejad que vayan cargando.
No somos nadie...
Cortesía de
Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 11, 2007
Pura lealtad
La lealtad es algo muy importante en los tiempos que corren porque da esperanza. Creo...

Sacado de meneame.

Sacado de meneame.
Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 11, 2007
Darth Vader está graciosillo...
Pocos vídeos me han hecho tanta gracias como este que vais a ver a continuación.
Pobre comandante, si encima dice algo o se queja, Vader lo estrangula.
Pobre comandante, si encima dice algo o se queja, Vader lo estrangula.
Emma Thomson contra la "trata de blancas"
Genial me parece el vídeo que ha protagonizado Emma Thomson como campaña contra la prostitución.
Un tema bastante escabroso sobre el que existen diferencias de opiniones. Yo estoy en contra ya que me parece que en muchos casos se trata de explotación. Antes pensaba que se tenía que legalizar y que cada uno hiciese lo que quisiera con su cuerpo, ahora opino que se debería prohibir.
¿Qué opináis?
Un tema bastante escabroso sobre el que existen diferencias de opiniones. Yo estoy en contra ya que me parece que en muchos casos se trata de explotación. Antes pensaba que se tenía que legalizar y que cada uno hiciese lo que quisiera con su cuerpo, ahora opino que se debería prohibir.
¿Qué opináis?